MAKE Literary Magazine's Mad Science Issue
This excerpt from The American Museum of Natural History talks about one of the most popular parts of the museum: The dinosuars. Order your copy here.
New Book Review in the Rupture: "Permanent Exhibit" by Matthew Vollmer
I was a fan of this series of essays written over the course of the year of dread, 2016. Read the review here.
Zach Powers Recommends The Voyager Record and Other Great Books About Space
To support his upcoming book "First Cosmic Velocity," Zach Powers lists his favorite space reads, including The Voyager Record.
New visual essay in DIAGRAM 18.6
"In The City That You Can See" is a psychogeographic tour of the Tel Aviv area's erased lives.
LIFTOFF!: The Voyager Record Out Now
Get a copy right now from Rose Metal Press. Find out why Publisher's Weekly and Booklist liked it so much.
Nothing doing right now, but check out these past events:
:: Reading :: NEW TIME! Monday April 30
Jerusalism presents: 2+2 a Social Literary Gathering at HaMiffal
Back in Jslem and reading with Karen Marron, Gamliel Kalfa, and Jane Medved. See more here: https://www.facebook.com/events/358820434605239/
:: Reading :: June 2016
Tel Aviv Landing Party for The Voyager Record & Family Resemblance
With Marcela Sulak, Karen Marron, Miriam Rother, Akilah Mosley & more in Tel Aviv.
:: Reading :: March 2016
Flapperhouse Issue #9 Flight Party/The Voyager Record Pre-Launch Countdown. At Pacific Standard in Park Slope, BK. Listen to the podcast!
Interviews, Podcasts, Articles, Reviews, Etc
:: List :: August 5
Electric Lit: "Fact, Fiction, and Poetry About Exploring Outer Space" by Zach Powers
Zach Powers recommends The Voyager Record along with books by Tracy K. Smith, Asif A. Siddiqi, & more.
:: Mention :: June 7
Medium: The Possibility of Life: "The Strangely Human Messages We Send To Aliens" by Jaimie Green
The Voyager Record makes an appearance in this series about whether we are or are not alone in the cosmos.
:: Share :: April 29
The Minotaur's Spotlight: Re-read: Three Strikes by Anthony Michael Morena (Hobart 2017)
The Minotaur's Spotlight at Arcadia University kicks off the 2018 baseball season with my Hobart story from last year.
:: Mention :: April 17
Black Warrior Review 44.2 Feature: Craft Essay: On Obsession by Samantha Edmonds
Samantha Edmonds says her favorite line in the book was about the source of my obsession with Voyager.
:: Interview :: July 21
Corresponding Authors: A Postal Interview with Amy Newman
I corresponded with Amy Newman about letters, great poets, & the meat world for The Ilanot Review Letters issue.
:: Podcast :: July 20
KMSU Weekly Reader: Anthony Michael Morena
I read from The Voyager Record and answered some questions on the air
:: Awards :: April 18
CLMP 2017 Firecracker Finalists Announced!
The Voyager Record is a finalist for a CLMP Firecracker Award for CNF.
:: My Review :: May 4
Coldfront: Song of the Week: "What Do You Do It For?" by Lou E
May 4: I selected Lou E's "What Do You Do It For?" as my entry in the Rose Metal Press residency at Coldfront.
:: Awards :: April 18
2017 Independent Publisher Book Awards National Medalists
The Voyager Record won a Silver IPPY Award in the Non-Fiction Cover Design category. Thanks to Lillian Ling and Rose Metal for making such a gorgeous design.
:: Blurb :: March 20
Alternating Current Press: Solstice to Solstice to Solstice
My blurb appears on the cover of this fantastic collection of poems, one for every sunrise in a year .
:: Review :: February 8
Electric Literature: Unheard Murmurs: Lyric Nonfiction in Space
Michael Sheehan writes about the book, and about the profound meaning of the Golden Record itself.
:: Review :: January 10
Gigantic Sequins 8.1 Book Review: The Voyager Record
For my last issue as reader Gigantic Sequins ran a review of the book by Craig Chisholm. In print!
:: Review :: January 9
Expendable Mudge: THE VOYAGER RECORD: A Transmission, genre-bending idea-provoking essay/novella
Richard Derus gave The Voyager Record 5 out of 5 stars and one of my favorite takes on the book.
::List :: January 2
Roxane Gay: My 2016 In Reading
January 2: Famous writer and bad feminist Roxane Gay listed The Voyager Record under 2016's "EXCELLENT SMALL PRESS BOOKS YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT" on her blog.
:: My Review :: December 22
Necessary Fiction: Recommended Reading 2016
I talk up three of my favorite books from 2016 on this end-of-year round up.
:: List :: December 20
Luna Luna "30 Books Published In 2016 That Should Be On Your Shelf"
The Voyager Record pops up on this list recommended by Joanna C. Valente.
:: List :: December 9
Leah Angstman, editor-in-chief of The Alternating Current, listed The Voyager Record one of 2016's best books.
:: List :: November 30
Entropy: Best of 2016: Best Poetry Books & Collections
Honored that the Entropy staff listed me alongside so many of the best poets writing today.
Full-Stop Review: The Voyager Record - Anthony Michael Morena
A complex and challenging take on the book by Nabil Kashyap.
:: Review :: October 27
Ghost Ocean: Whimsy, Wit, & Unearthing History: A Look at The Voyager Record: A Transmission
C.J. Opperthauser says The Voyager Record "is as complex as its topic"
The Establishment: How a NASA Record Is Exploiting Indigenous Performers
I wrote about why the indigenous performers & folk musicians on the record deserve recognition.
:: Review:: October 20
Amazing words about The Voyager Record in decomP magazinE
This is the kind of review that takes a book, eats it and makes it a part of itself. Thanks to Spencer Dew.
:: Review :: October 18
The Los Angeles Review Book Review: The Voyager Record by Anthony Michael Morena
Ann Beman over at Red Hen Press's Los Angeles Review.
:: Interview & Review :: September 22
The Museum of Americana: Interview and Review of The Voyager Record
There is a review of The Voyager Record & an interview with me by Ann Beman in the Transportation issue.
:: Review :: September 7
Escape Into Life: The Voyager Record Review
EIL's poetry editor, Kathleen Kirk, has nice things to say about The Voyager Record.
:: My Review :: September 5
Necessary Fiction: Natural Wonders by Angela Woodward Reviewed by Anthony Michael Morena
A review by me of Angela Woodward's bifurcated novel, Natural Wonders
:: Promo :: July 22
Necessary Fiction - Research Notes: The Voyager Record by Anthony Michael Morena
A look at some of the research methods I used to produce The Voyager Record: books, TV, and the internet.
:: List :: July 8
The Voyager Record is Small Press Distribution's #2 Best-Seller in Nonfiction for Spring 2016
Thanks to all of the readers who made this possible and all of the people who helped shout out the book.
:: Interview :: June 29
Guernica Daily Interview: "Anthony Michael Morena: The Art and Artifacts of Space"
Kelly Lydick asked me about The Voyager Record, art, history, representation, & aliens on Guernica Daily.
:: Guest Post :: June 29
Largehearted Boy's Book Notes: Anthony Michael Morena "The Voyager Record"
14 tracks based on, inspired by, suggested for, & soundtrack to the Voyager record and The Voyager Record.
:: Interview :: June 22
Brazos Bookstore Blog: "Moving Forward, Alone: An Interview with Anthony Michael Morena"
Lawrence Lenhart interviewed me about The Voyager Record for Houston's great indie bookstore.
:: Guest Post :: June 7
TNBBC's The Next Best Book Blog Where Writer's Write: Anthony Michael Morena
Find out what my natural habitat looks as I share pictues and stories about my desk.
:: Guest Post :: May 30
Kelcey Parker Ervick's Letters to Dead Authors Series "Anthony Michael Morena to Charles Baudelaire"
I wrote to Charles Baudelaire to ask him how it feels to have poetry suppressed on the Golden Record.
:: Review :: May 26
Small Press Book Review: "Review of Anthony Michael Morena’s THE VOYAGER RECORD: A TRANSMISSION"
Christy Crutchfield wrote a review that I describe as cutting right to the heart of the book (then into me).
:: Guest Post :: May 17
Brevity's Nonfiction Blog "Books That Convinced Me to Stop Writing (So Much)"
In this article I talk about the books that influenced the shortness of The Voyager Record.
:: List :: May 16
Luna Luna "9 Amazing Books That Will Make You Believe in Books Again"
Joanna C. Valente put together this lists of books that includes The Voyager Record.
:: Podcast :: May 4
This Podcast Will Change Your Life: The AWP 2016 Edition Part II - Alien Intelligence
Back at AWP, Ben Tanzer and I spoke about Voyager, sci-fi, pop culture, Israel, and fatherhood.
:: Podcast :: April 26
The Catapult Episode 53: Marian Bull & Anthony Michael Morena
Jaime Green invited me to read from The Voyager Record for the final episode of this great reading series podcast.
:: Review :: April 22
Publisher's Weekly Review of The Voyager Record
Publisher's Weekly says The Voyager Record is "enchanting and educational at once."
:: Podcast :: April 20
Mr. Bear's Violet Hour Saloon/The Secret Lives of Stuffed Animals: Anybody Out There?
Listen to the UN Delegate Greetings, Jenny Lewis, and me and Mr. Bear chat.
:: Review :: April 20
Booklist Review of The Voyager Record [Paywall]
Booklist says "Morena has produced a smart, hip, and profoundly fascinating testament to both the unfathomable vastness of outer space and the relentless attempts by human imagination to grasp it."
:: Review :: April 15
The Smithsonian's Air & Space Magazine: "What Would You Have Put on the Golden Record?"
Short piece on The Voyager Record, focusing on the thread in the book about adding new music.
:: Review :: April 10
Nice Words from Ben Tanzer at This Book Will Change Your Life
Ben Tanzer calls The Voyager Record "an actual thing, a prose lyrical poem thing that is both terribly educational - but in a terribly fun way - and terribly moving all at once."
:: List :: April 7
Big Other's "Most Anticipated Small Press Books of 2016!"
You can find the The Voyager Record on this long list from Big Other.
Flapperhouse Podcast #2
Listen to the entirety of Flapperhouse Issue 9 Flight Party/The Voyager Record Pre-Launch Countdown recorded live at Pacific Standard in Park Slope, BK.
:: Podcast :: March 13
The drDOCTOR Podcast Episode 76: Recording w/Anthony Michael Morena
March 13: Talking turkey with the drDOCTOR doctors Luke Wiget and Sam Farahmand
:: Guest Editor & Author Interview :: March 3
The Ilanot Review Constraint Issue
I was guest fiction editor for The Ilanot Review's Constraint issue and interviewed Jenny Boully using only questions that I found in her books.
:: List :: February 15
Cubside Splendor's "Indie Books to Get Excited for This Spring and Summer"
Caro Macon lists The Voyager Record along with some other great books.