Pairing: Everything and Everything
One of my favorite episodes of The Sopranos takes place in season 6, when Tony Soprano is recovering from both a gutshot wound and a...
Watermelon Love
Today I talked to my mother on Skype—she is getting ready to visit me, something that hasn't happened in two years—and behind her, on a...
Pairing: Memes and Memes
Taking one meme and using it with another one can produce unexpected internet delights. Graham, the human evolved to survive car crashes,...
Pairing: Pokémon and Phones
I am the kind of person who will read an advice column, not just because this is a blog that has one, but because I like to see what...
Pairing: I'm From Electric Peak & The Gods Are Dead
The Gods Are Dead by Joanna C. Valente (Deadly Chaps 2015) I'm From Electric Peak by Bud Smith (Artistically Declined Press* 2016) I got...
Pairing: Highways and Forests
Spend any time driving through enough of the United States—like I am, trying to do a book tour—and you will eventually find yourself on a...
Pairing: The New Inquiry and Fast Company
There are some things that probably should not pair well together, and yet, because of certain underlying affinities, they do. This can...
Pairing: The Phantom Menace & The Force Awakens
The latest installment of the Star Wars franchise, The Force Awakens, picks up the story thirty years after Return of the Jedi left our...
Pairing: David Foster Wallace & Kanye West
For the last few days (and a lot earlier than that too) Kanye West has been in the news. Starting with a tweet last week ("BILL COSBY...